Atinuke Ogungbe, the first wife of Nollywood actor and movie producer, Segun Ogungbe has left many singing her praises as she shared a transformation video, praizemedia report. The senior wife of Wumi Ajiboye had shared a before and after video of her and her husband over the years. WATCH THE VIDEO BELOW ????⬇️⬇️⬇️???? Expressing gratitude, […]
Tag: Wumi Ajiboye
Nollywood actor Segun Ogungbe has reacted to the reports that alleged his separation from his second wife and colleague, Wunmi Ajiboye, praizemedia report. A controversial blog, Gist Lover, has reported that Segun Ogungbe is estranged from Wunmi Ajiboye over an alleged case of infidelity on the latter’s part. WATCH THE VIDEO BELOW ????⬇️⬇️⬇️???? Part of […]
Nollywood actress, Omowunmi Ajiboye is 37 today, April 17, 2023, praizemedia report. The wife of actor and filmmaker, Segun Ogungbe has shared stunning photos to celebrate her new age. WATCH THE VIDEO BELOW ????⬇️⬇️⬇️???? The actress appreciated God for all he has done in her life. Happy Birthday To Her.