Nollywood actress Wumi Toriola has slammed a fan who kept asking about her dear friend, Akeem Adeyemi, claiming he is seeking for bad news, Praizemedia report. The mother of one bashed the trolls for always coming to her comment section to ask the same question, warning her to desist from repeating such. WATCH THE VIDEO […]
Tag: Akeem Adeyemi
It is a tough time for Yoruba actor, Akeem Adeyemi as he loses his mother, praizemedia report. The devastating news was made known by Wumi Toriola on her Instagram page minutes ago. WATCH THE VIDEO BELOW ????⬇️⬇️⬇️???? Sharing a photo of his mother, she stated that her death came as a rude shock to her […]
Nollywood actor Akeem Adeyemi has penned an emotional tribute to appreciating his dear friend, Wumi Toriola, for her love and loyalty towards him, Praizemedia report. Akeem Adeyemi, who is short of words, poured out his heart on social media, claiming he did not know what he did to deserve the actress. WATCH THE VIDEO BELOW ⬇️⬇️⬇️ […]